Why Properly Caulked and Glazed Windows can Save Energy?

Keeping your windows properly caulked and glazed is the best way to make sure you are utilizing energy efficiency. Caulk is actually a flexible material which is used to seal air leaks through crack, gaps, or joints. However, you can use weather-stripping for components that move like doors and operable windows. Caulking can actually reduce heating and cooling costs and can improve ease at your home. Therefore, it actually saves energy. Mentioned below are some of the most important points that you need to follow while caulking and glazing windows.

Prepare the Area to Be Caulked:

Before applying the new caulk, it is important to remove the old caulk solution depending on your air leaks. You can do this simply by taking a even headed screw driver and comfortably pry up the old solution and peel it away.

Prepare Both the Eco-Caulking Solution and Caulking Gun:

Another important thing is to take your eco-caulk as well as the scissors and cut the tip of the caulking solution at a forty-five degree angle. This is required since it helps to ensure that the caulking solution applies evenly. You can fill the container into your caulking gun, once the caulking solution is properly prepared.

Lay a Thin Bead of Eco-Caulk Over the Air Leak:

Once the air leak is prepped and the caulking gun is loaded with eco-caulking solution, you are all set to seal your air leak. What you need to do is to very easily take the caulking gun and grip it at a forty-five degree angle at the top of the air leak. After that, apply pressure on the trigger of caulking gun to release the
caulking solution.

Smooth Out and Remove Any Additional Caulk:

Once the all thing is done, you can take your finger and even out the caulking solution till it comes out as one uninterrupted bead. Once it is done, you can take your wet rag and remove any excess caulk from your door and window frame.

By now your doors are properly sealed and your home is more comfortable and energy efficient. Typically, the caulking solution may take around 24 hours to set and dry fully. At this point, you can add extra touch up paint whenever required.
By properly caulking and glazing your indoor windows throughout your home, you could surely see a decrease in your heating and cooling bills by as much as 20%. If you want to look for more ways to make your home more energy efficient, you can check out for high quality caulks.

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