What’s Better to Use on Interior Trim Satin or Semigloss?

Although as a homeowner, you should not stick to any particular rule when choosing a paint color for your house, you can consider a couple of rules when selecting paint finishes for cabinet or wood trim during a home renovation project.

There are many different paints finishes available out there, but you can consider selecting finishes for wood trim from the main three paint finishes like High gloss, semi gloss, and satin. If you are willing to apply paint on a piece of wood trim, you can generally choose anyone from satin or semigloss. A key comparison between the two finishes can help you get a great idea regarding which paint finish to choose for your next project. Mentioned below is a comparison between these paint finishes to understand which one is better.

Semi-gloss has more Sheen than Satin:

Paint finishes are usually available in sheens like gloss/high-gloss, satin, semi-gloss, eggshell, matte etc. Among them, semi-gloss is slightly better than satin as it offers a little more reflectivity. Semi-gloss has more sheen than satin and this extra sheen content in semi-gloss can change the way your paint color looks on the wall. Although both the semi-gloss and satin paint finishes have a sheen, more lights from the lamps in your room will bounce off of the semi-gloss trim than a trim with a satin finish. The satin finish actually absorbs additional light and as a result, a particular paint color appears slightly lighter in a satin finish.

Semi-Gloss is More Durable:

Semi-gloss finish is more durable and easier to clean. The higher the gloss, the easier the cleanup of unwanted messes like fingerprints and smudges. Therefore, semi-gloss finish is actually better to use on trims that get a lot of use and therefore require frequent wipe-downs – for e.g. window trims. If the surface is slick, it will be easy for you to clean the same by using a damp cloth or special sprays.

Semi-gloss Works Better on Wood Trims:

While the satin finish is a default choice for homeowners when it comes to renovating interior walls, furniture etc, Semi-gloss finish is ideal for use on window trims, kitchen cabinets etc. Even if you apply same type color in two different sheens in a room, satin will look in walls and semi-gloss will be better for the trims.

When it comes to the cost, semi-gloss finish is slightly costlier than the satin finish. This is because the more gloss the paint offers, the more will it cost.

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